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    Coming to Theaters & Digital September 20 In AUGGIE, Felix Greystone (Richard Kind) is forced into early retirement and falls in love with an augmented reality companion, to the detriment of his relationship with his wife and daughter. At his early retirement party, Felix Greystone is given a pre-release version of an AUGGIE, a pair of augmented reality smart glasses that project a perfectly human companion onto his world. When Felixs wife Anne gets a promotion and his daughter Grace gets serious with her boyfriend, Felix suddenly feels very alone. He opens up to his new companion, AUGGIE, and is recognized and appreciated by her. He feels the ache of loneliness dissipate. AUGGIE reawakens a passion in Felix, and to his own surprise, he begins to fall for her. In a world that feels too good to be true, its difficult for Felix to recognize his increasing addiction to the technology, losing sight of what truly matters.


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    • 5.0828播放监禁外太空邢昀,陈圆,Yuan,Chen,金铂林,王辰昊
    • 4.0超清720P外星入侵 普通话版瑞利·史密斯
    • 3.0超清720P佛魔之剑张亚坤,郑茜
    • 1.0超清720P荆棘的花冠李晓红,暴红海,刘玉滨,闫淑琴
    • 8.0超清720P暗礁丁笑宜,李戈,王国芬,陈默,任颐,迟志强,金毅,冉杰

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